Upstate Gardeners' Journal
Buffalo Spree
East Side, West Side: Enjoy the best of both this summer, July 2018
(585) Magazine
What began as a public relations pitch in the spring of 2014 became roles as a contributing dating/ relationship advice columnist and an editor-at-large covering myriad subjects and regional personalities. Articles marked with an asterisk (*) were cover stories.
She saw the sign: Meet Bianca Piazza of Harsh Astrology
Down to a fine art: At home with Brian O'Neill
Kiln it: Small plates and other tiny treasures from Cat Clay
Seeing the wood for the trees: Meet Jeff Giannone of Entrada Woodworking *
Soaking it all in: The Swan Dive's splashy visuals
Somm kind of wonderful: Regional wine pros living life 'on the grid' *
T-Shirt time! RoCo celebrates forty years with wearable art
Elements of Stylee: Traffic stopping spring looks from a Monroe Avenue treasure *
Redefining home: Art, music, and fine cuisine enhance the life of local seniors
A life of many layers: Barbetorium's Jes Sutton
Fruits of their labor: The transformative power of public art *
The vast supper: Bite off more than you can chew at Nosh *
What 2 Where - I feel ya, Ophelia
Let me mezcal you, Sweetheart: On the rocks with Bitter Honey *
Yo' mama's so... Mother and daughter YogaVibe is no joke
Hot collar test: The electric aesthetic of Lucky Nahum's Vluxe
Fashion plates: Set the scene to complement your cuisine
What 2 Where - DIY-er Maker: Fashion and creative arts thrive in Rochester
Through the merchant's glass: Creating a 'mint' window display
The evolution of media: It's all relative for the Alharts
Poetry & Pie: Come for the reading, stay for dessert
The Playhouse and Swillburger: Combination arcade and burger joint invites locals to stay and play
Personal branding - Nick Giordano's apprentices learn body piercing
Dates & Nuts
The year I shed a thousand skins
Labored union: A man questions a trendy topic and his relationship stability
Past expiration: When an old friendship goes sour
Back to square one: Using a local art fundraiser to find love
Broody and brooding: A woman copes with her man's sudden desire for children
My mama don't like you: A man contends with his mother's disapproval of his relationship
Sliding into your DMs: Weeding out creeps on social media
Oh no – just a psychotic girl: A man grapples with his difficult relationship
Living on breadcrumbs: Surviving a stage-five stringer
Check or carry-on? One man's relationship baggage begs the question
Fast, but not furious: The ramifications of going too far on the first date
The sorrows of a youthful reader
Going out in style: Put on your best manners
A second chance at love: Retiring from work but not from dating
On the pass: Restaurant pros dish about hitting on your server
Safety first: When dating takes a dangerous turn
To boo or not to boo: The not-so-friendly ghost
Hungry for love: Adventures in dining and dating
Pride, prejudice, and pursuit: How LGBT singles are dating in the digital age
Sexts, snaps, and videotapes: You show me yours and I'll show...everyone
Dating with a disability: An exercise in humor and humility
What's he thinking? The 'brofriend' perspective on modern dating